Kukka Pitkänen
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Ongoing & upcoming exhibitions

Aurora Borealis. Prints from the North. 6.-31.12.2025

Armoury of Arts Big Aula Gallery, Gdansk, Poland

Solo show, 16.01. – 9.2.2025

Ratamo Gallery, Jyväskylä

Solo show, 17.2. – 29.3.2025

Ikimetsägalleria, Hämeenlinna

Sidos / Ligature

Katve / Blind spot

Yllä, alla / Above, below

Mustarinta / Black bird

Kivisiltä rannoilta / From the stony shores

Floral Malfunctions

Ajokkaat / Drifting

Hajoavaa / Degradable

Plastiglomeraatit / Plastiglomerates

Valos / Mould

Bridge over

Soluhengitystä / Respiration

Rihmat / Hyphas


Aallot / Waves

Amuletit / Amulets

Joka hetki putoaa / Descending

Varjotanssia / Shadow dance


Kukka Pitkänen (s. 1989) on kuvataiteilija, joka työskentelee pääasiassa painetun taiteen ja piirustuksen parissa.

Kukka Pitkänen (born in 1989) is a visual artist working mainly in the field of printmaking and drawing.


Olen loputtoman kiinnostunut niistä visuaalisista ja filosofisista mahdollisuuksista, joita taidegrafiikan painotekniikat tarjoavat. Peilautuvuus, kerroksellisuus, matriisi-vedos-ajattelu ja tekemiseen tiiviisti sidoksissa oleva muutosten ja yllätysten mahdollisuus ajavat minua kerta toisensa jälkeen taidegrafiikan tekniikoiden äärelle.

Vastapainona graafisten prosessien monivaiheisuudelle nautin kovasti piirtämisen suoraviivaisuudesta. Haluttu jälki näkyy heti, sellaisenaan. Myös piirtäessäni huomaan kuitenkin työskenteleväni taidegraafikon identiteetin mukaisesti; työstän piirroksianikin kerroksellisuuden ja poistojen kautta. Uusimmat piirrosprojektini ovat mittakaavaltaan suuria ja luonteeltaan tilallisia.

Aiheena minua kiinnostaa nyt erityisesti muutoksen ja pysyvyyden tematiikka. Kasvu ja hajoaminen on toinen laaja vastapari, jota käsittelen töissäni.

I am endlessly interested in the visual and philosophical possibilities offered by the printmaking techniques. Reflectivity, multiple layers, matrix-print-dualism and the possibility of changes and surprises, which is an intrinsic part of the work, steer me time after time to printing techniques.

As a counterbalance to the multistage processes in printmaking I enjoy enormously the straightforwardness of drawing. The sought-after imprint is immediately visible, as it is. Still, even when I’m drawing, I notice I am working with the identity of a printmaker; I work on my drawings through layering and removals. My latest drawing projects are large in size and spatial by their nature.

The themes I am currently particularly interested in are stability and change. Growth and degradation is another broad thematic pair I often deal with in my works.

Photo: Katri Stenberg


Solo Exhibitions

Artist of the month

The Association of Finnish Printmakers

Graphoteque, Helsinki, 2024

Gallery Paperihuone

Graphic Workshop

Hämeenlinna, 2023

Studio Mustanapa

Rovaniemi, 2022

Taidehalli Häme

Hämeenlinna, 2022

Art Centre Mältinranta, Studio

Tampere, 2018

Gallery Paperihuone,

Graphic workshop

Hämeenlinna, 2018

Gallery RD

Hämeenlinna, 2018


Artist of the month, Finnish Printmakers’ Union

Helsinki, 2017

Gallery Paperihuone

Graphic workshop

Hämeenlinna, 2016

Gallery Uusi Kipinä

Lahti, 2015

Nooran Viinibaari

Hämeenlinna, 2015

Hämeenlinna library

Solo exhibition for Artist Union’s Young Artist

Hämeenlinna, 2014

Wetterhoff House’s gallery

Hämeenlinna, 2013

Selected group Exhibitions

Ajan syyt – Grains of Time

10 year celebration exhibition o Finnish Woodcut Artists Association, Hämeenlinna Art museum


Golden Land

Elysium Gallery, Swansea & Ty Cornell Gallery, Wrexham, Wales, UK (curated by Maija Helasvuo and Marja Bonada), 2023


Neues leben

Celle Castle, Germany, 2022


Nuorten näyttely

Taidekeskus Salmela,

Mäntyharju, 2020



Group exhibition of Ars Häme association, curated by Pablo Herrman

OKK -Organ Kritiche Künst Galerie, Berlin, Germany, 2020


Hiertäen, hangaten

Group exhibition of Finnish Woodcut Artists

Riihimäki Art Museum, 2019


Young Art from Northern Europe

Neues Kunsthaus, Ahrenshoop, Germany, 2019


Nokian taidetalo

Nokia, 2018


Kaskadenkondensator Gallery,

Basel, Switzerland, 2018

Ars Kuvansi

Joroinen, 2018

Emme olleet yksi –  We were not one

Ars Häme association’s group exhibition

Old Glass Factory, Riihimäki, 2018

Taidegrafiikkaa – Art graphic

group exhibition of Paperihuone ry

Taidepensionaatti, Virrat, 2018

Viiva- Line

Hämeenlinna Art museum

Hämeenlinna, 2018

Ars Kuvansi

Joroinen, 2017

Tuulen kaikuja -Echos of the wind

Varikko Gallery

Seinäjoki, 2017

Lasikatto -Glass roof

exhibitions in Hämeenlinna

Hauho and Tuusula, 2017

Olemisen vuorovesi

with Ella Kettunen

and Annamari Kinnunen

Gallery Paperihuone, Hämeenlinna, 2017

Paperinohuita päiviä – Days thin as paper

Gallery Paperihuone

Hämeenlinna, 2016

Mysterious forest

group exhibition of Finnish Woodcut Artists Society

Kyoto, Japan, 2016

Pinnanalaisia havaintoja – Subsurface observations

Voipaala Art centre

Sääksmäki, 2016

Endegra Pop up

Gallery Koski

Imatra, 2016

Tides of being

Galerie Pleiku

Berlin, Germany, 2016


Nokian taidetalo

Nokia 2015

The XII Baltic States Biennale of Graphic Art

Kaliningrad, Russia, 2015

Äänestä johtuva – Due to Sound

Ars Häme association 40 year anniversary exhibition

Hämeenlinna Art Museum, 2015

Internationell grafik

Rosa Huset

Skövde, Sweden, 2014

Perimmäistä olevaa

Galleria Ratamo

Jyväskylä, 2014


Theme exhibition of Hämeenlinna Artist Union

Gallery Tärinä, Riihimäki, 2014

Unta vai valvettako? – Asleep or awake?

Group exhibition of Printmakers’ association Paperihuone

Gallery Emil, Tampere, 2013

Puolisattumanvaraisesti -Semi-coincidentally

Graduation exhibition

Imatra Art Museum, 2013


Danish Media Museum,

Odense, Denmark, 2011


Fyns Grafiske Verkstad

Odense, Denmark, 2011

Courses and artist residencies

Fish Factory Creative Centre

One month residency period

Stödvarfjördur, Iceland, 2023

Young Art from Northern Europe

Exhibition and recidency

Künstlerhaus Lukas

Ahrenshoop, Germany, 2019


Printmaking Residency

Basel, Switzerland, 2018

WAAW Artists’ Residency

Saint-Louis, Senegal, 2018

Åland’s Archipelago Guest Artist Atelié

Kökar, Finland, 2017

8th International Endegra meeting

Imatra, Finland, 2016

Exhibition and residency

Galerie Pleiku

Berlin, Germany, 2016

Journeyman’s walk

Printmaking union ENDEGRA’s workshop week

Tidaholm, Sweden, 2014

Topography and typography

Printmaking union ENDEGRA’s workshop week

Dresden, Germany, 2013

Border Borderless

Art workshop in Imatra in collaboration with art and design students from St Petersburg, Russia, 2012


North European Graphic Symposeum

Odense, Denmark, 2011


2016 – 2018– University of Helsinki, art history, MA

2009 – 2013 – Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Imatra, Visual artist, BA

2011 – 2012 – National Academy of Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria


2016 – Finnish Woodcut Artists Society

2013 – The Association of Finnish Printmakers

2013 – Ars-Häme association

2013 – Hämeenlinna Artist Union

2012 – Printmakers' association Paperihuone, Hämeenlinna

2010 – ENDEGRA: The European Network for Development and Education in Printmaking

Works in Collections

City of Nokia

Danske Mediemuseet, Denmark

Fyns Grafiske Verkstad, Odense, Denmark

Helsinki University Hospital

Palace Side Hotel, Kyoto, Japan

Private collections in Finland and abroad

Saimaa University of Applied Sciences


Contact Information

Works for Sale





Most of the works presented on this site are for sale. If you got interested, please contact me via email.